The Epeios software components can now be natively compiled for the 'AArch64' architecture

Thanks to an ODROID-C2, running a 64-bit version of Debian, most of the Epeios software components can now be compiled for the AArch64 architecture.

The Epeios software omponents could already be compiled for the AArch32 architecture, which are the one on which are based the first Raspberry Pi, ODROID, Banana Pi… (and most mobile) devices. But the newest version of this devices (Raspberry Pi 3, ODROID-C2, Banana Pi M64…) are now based on a AArch64 architecture.

The AArch64 architecture can execute software compiled for the AArch32 architecture, so you can install a AArch32 OS on it, and so execute AArch32 software (but not AArch64 software). By installing a AArch64 OS, it may be possible to run AArch32 software, but also, naturally, AArch64 software.

Changes was made to the Epeios software components so they can be compiled to run natively on a AArch64 OS. It may depend from the installed compilation environment, but launching the building of an Epeios package will automatically produce a software for the same architecture as the installed OS. You will also be able to use, at your choice, the GCC or Clang compiler.

New Epeios software components packages, modified to allowing the compilation for AArch4 architecture, will soon be available. Take note that all AArch64 based devices, especially the new ones, may not be installed with a AArch64 OS, so this devices will not be able to run AArch64 software, but only AArch32 ones.