Exit messages #

Some details concerning the various messages displayed on application exiting.

Exit message #0

This one should not be displayed. If so, please provide as much details as possible how this happened.

Exit message #1

This means that there is no application corresponding to the provided token. There probably was one at one point, but it has been shut down.

Exit message #2

The application is no more connected to the backend, because it has been shut down.

Exit message #3

The connection to the backend has been lost. This connection is closed automatically after a certain period of inactivity. You can probably reconnect by clicking on the Reload button.

Jupyter notebooks #

What is a Jupyter notebook?

Take a look at the Project Jupyter.

Does the Atlas toolkit work in a Jupyter notebook?

An application made with the Python version of the Atlas toolkit is displayed in a Jupyter notebook with an iframe. When several applications are launched in a notebook, only the last one is active; all the others are halted and therefore will display an exit message.
It may be more confortable to open the application in its own window/tab, by clicking on the displayed URL or by using the QR code.
Please note that the Atlas toolkit may not work properly or not work when launched on an online services (Google Colab, Binder…). Please see below for more details.

Can the iframe where the application is displayed be adjusted?

Yes. Use the atlastk.setJupyterWidth(width) and/or atlastk.setJupyterHeight(height) functions before launching the application (atlastk.launch(…)). width and height are strings which will be used as, respectively, width and height parameter of the IPython.display.IFrame function used to display the application.

The alert(…) and confirm(…) functions do nothing (Google Colab issue).

You probably run your notebook on Google Colab, where iframes are configured to not allow modal windows, which alert and confirm dialogs are. Open the application in its own window/tab by clicking the displayed URL, or using the QR code. If this issue occurs in another environment, please report it.

The Atlas toolkit does not work properly or at all in a notebook running in teh cloud (Google Colab, Binder…)

For a notebook using the Atlas toolkit to run, the atlastk package from Pypi needs to be installed, and the Atlas toolkit must be able to connect to a remote server. Binder, for example, does not allow the Atlas toolkit to connect to a remote server, so, notebooks using the Atlas toolkit can not be run on Binder.
Also, to not be affected by the CSS rules if the hosting web site, the Atlas toolkit is displayed in an HTML iframe element. Some services restricts what can be done in a iframe. See, for example, the above question about alert(…) and confirm(…). The workaround is to open the the application in its own tab/window by using the displayed URL of the QR code displayed by the application.

Sometimes, syntax error in Python code seems to be unexpectedly reported.

Although, once launched, the Atlas toolkit hands over, it continues to run in the background, as you can see by interacting with the application. Because of the way Python works, if you modify an object or a function, it is the modified version that will be used by the Atlas toolkit, even if they are modified after launching the Atlas toolkit, and this is what may cause Python to display an error.

Misc #

I would like to report a bug, suggest an enhancement, a new feature, make a donation…

Take a look at the Contribute section.

Under which license(s) is the Atlas toolkit available?

This information is available in the license entry of the About section.

Where are the Replit-based online demonstrations?

The old online demonstrations based on Replit are no more available due to https://ask.replit.com/t/cant-find-the-run-button-anymore/95203/10.