====== xdhcefq: xdhtml renderer using Chromium Embedded Framework ====== ===== Introduction ===== //xdhcefq// is a tool, from the //Epeios// project, which handles native application with a [[..:..:xdhtml:]] interface. It uses the //[[http://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/|Chromium Embedded Framework]] (//CEF//)// as HTML renderer. //xdhcefq// can be build as command-line binary for //GNU/Linux//, //OS X// and //Windows//, running on //IA-32// and //AMD64// compatible processors. It's not as versatile as other Epeios-based tools (no //ARM// support, for example) as it heavily relies on //CEF//. ===== Compilation ===== See the [[computing:epeios:compilation:|compilation dedicated page]] to see how to obtain the binaries. For //Windows//, prebuilt //Win32// binaries are available in the download section. Under //Windows//, due to the use of //CEF//, this tools can only be build with //Visual C++//. See the //CEF// web pages for more details. In order to compile this tool, you have to [[http://www.magpcss.net/cef_downloads/|download]] //CEF// for you OS, then you have to set the //CEF// environment variable to the root directory of the unpacked package. Then follow instructions given in above indicated page. For //GNU/Linux// and //Windows//, the //Minimal Distribution// will be enough, but for //MacOS//, you need the //Standard Distribution//. Unlike other //Epeios// tools, the standard compilation procedure (as described in above given page) doesn't work for //Windows//, but, as already mentioned, //Win32// prebuilt binary are available. There is actually no detailed procedure to compile this tool for //Windows//, as the compilation relies on //MSVC//, but creating a //MSVC// project which compiles all the provided ''.cpp'' files, with include and/or source directories definitions pointing to the ''src'' directory, and to the //CEF// package root directory, should be simple. The //Epeios// source code generally compiles without a single warning from compiler, but, when compiling this tool, there could be some warnings, due to the //CEF// headers. ===== Installation ===== ==== For GNU/Linux and Windows ==== For //Window//, the binary package comes with the //CEF// framework, so you should be able to launch the frontend by only following the launching instructions at the end of this section. Create a directory, where you put the //xdhcefq// binary, and the ''xdhcefq.xcfg'' and ''xdhcefq.xlcl'' files. From the //CEF// package, put also: * in the same directory: * the //CEF// library (''(Release|Debug)/libcef'', ''.so'' or ''.dll'', depending on your OS), * (for //Windows// only) the ''(Release|Debug)/widevinecdmadapter.dll'' library, * the ''(Release|Debug)/*.bin'' files, * the ''Resources/icudtl.dat'' file, * at the path defined for ''Parameters/CEF/ResourcesDirPath'' in the configuration file, or in the same directory if this entry is not defined, all the ''Resources/*.pak'' files, * at the path defined for ''Parameters/CEF/LocaleDirPath'' in the configuration file the files in ''Resources/locales'', or in the same directory if this entry is not defined the ''Resources/locales'' directory. Put also in this directory the ''CEF'' directory from the //xdhcefq// package. Modify the ''URL'' entry of the ''xdhcefq.xcfg'' file to point to the ''xdhcefq.html'' in this ''CEF'' directory. To launch the application: ''xdhcefq -m=/'' where '''' is the the name of the ''xdh'' suffixed dynamic library corresponding to the application, and '''', the path to this library. If this library is in the same directory as the tool, then give the absolute path, or ''.''. ==== MacOS ==== I am not very familiar with //MacOS// so, until I have time, or someone be willing, to create the right procedure, here is a (ugly) procedure which should work. === CEF building === (From the ''CMakeList.mk'' provided with //CEF//.) //Cmake// and the //XCode// developers tools must be installed. From the root directory of the //CEF// package: * ''mkdir build && cd build'', * ''cmake -G %%"%%Xcode%%"%% -DPROJECT_ARCH=%%"%%x86_64%%"%% ..'', * Open and build ''cef.xccodeproj'' in the ''build'' directory under the //CEF// root directory. === xdhqcef installation === From the previously created ''build'' directory (you have probably to set your computer to developer mode to be able to do following): * in directory ''/tests/cefsimple/Debug/cefsimple.app/Contents/MacOS'': * copy the ''xdhcefq'' binary, * rename it to ''cefsimple'', * copy ''xdhcefq.xcfg'' and ''xdhcefq.xlcl'': * __don't__ rename them, * this ''xdhcefq.xcfg'' must have the ''Parameters/CEF/ProcessType'' set to ''Main''), * launch ''install_name_tool -change %%"%%@rpath/Frameworks/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/Chromium Embedded Framework%%"%% %%"%%@executable_path/../Frameworks/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/Chromium Embedded Framework%%"%% cefsimple'' * in directory ''/tests/cefsimple/Debug/cefsimple.app/Contents/Frameworks/cefsimple Helper.app/Contents/MacOS'': * copy the ''xdhcefq'' binary, * rename it to ''cefsimple Helper'', * copy ''xdhcefq.xcfg'' and ''xdhcefq.xlcl'': * __don't__ rename them, * this ''xdhcefq.xcfg'' must have the ''Parameters/CEF/ProcessType'' set to ''Sub''). * launch ''install_name_tool -change %%"%%@rpath/Frameworks/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/Chromium Embedded Framework%%"%% %%"%%@executable_path/../../../../Frameworks/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/Chromium Embedded Framework%%"%% %%"%%cefsimple Helper%%"%%'', * Modify (or create) in __all__ ''xdhcefq.xcfg'' files the ''Parameters/ModuleFilename'' entry so it contains the path and name of the frontend dynamic library (which name is something like ''libxdh.dylib''). To launch, double-click on ''tests/cefsimple/Debug/cefsimple.app/Contents/MacOS/cefsimple''. ===== Configuration ===== See the [[computing:epeios:configuration:|global configuration dedicated page]]. See also the [[:computing:epeios:xdhtml:#Configuration|xdhtml configuration dedicated section]]. The ''Parameters/ModulFilename'' mentioned in this section entry is set through a command-line argument (launch ''xdhcefq %%--%%help''). There is also a ''Parameters/URL'' entry which have to point to the __absolute__ path and file name (prefixed with ''file:%%//%%'') to the provided ''xdhcefq.html'' file. There are also some //CEF//-related parameters, grouped in the ''Parameters/CEF'' section, like ''ProcessType'', ''SingleProcess'', ''NoSandbox''... (see //CEF// documentation if you want more details about them), but their values (which varies from one OS to another) should be correctly set and not changed. ===== Bugs ===== There are some bugs in //xdhcefq// which seems due to //CEF// with following effects: * Some cosmetic ugliness, * Under //GNU/Linux//, by default, //CEF// comes with no dialog boxes implementation (//alert//, //confirm//, file related dialog boxes...). The alert and confirm dialog boxes are actually displayed using the console. For example, when you quit an application, the confirmation message appears in the console. * Under //GNU/LINUX//, //CTRL-SHIFT-A// does nothing (it should display the //About...// box)? Also, if, when launching, you have a dialog box with ''Attach debugger !'' message, simply dismiss it. It's a debugging feature which was forgotten to be deactivated. ===== Licence ===== #@H_LICENSE_HTML~xdhcefq~@# ===== Status ===== * Last release: **20161231**, * #@CVS_HTML~tools/xdhcefq/CHANGELOG.txt,Changelog~@#, * Used CEF 3 branch : **2883**. ===== Download ===== There is no dedicated download section, as this tool is included in each package which needs it. ===== Author ===== #@H_AUTHOR_HTML~xdhcefq~@# ===== Other resources ===== * [[computing:epeios:tools:xdhcefq:manual:|User manual]], * source repository: * [[http://hg.savannah.gnu.org/hgweb/epeios/file/tip/tools/xdhcefq/|of the tool]], * [[http://hg.savannah.gnu.org/hgweb/epeios/file/tip/stable|of the Epeios framework]],