====== fwtchrq: files watcher ====== ===== Introduction ===== //fwtchrq// is a tool from the //Epeios// project which watches files and directories from a given path and reports their modifications.\\ Besides files modifications, it also reports moving, renaming, creation and deletion of directories.\\ It makes use of task parallelism to be as fast as possible, notably when exploring the content of a directory and its sub-directories. #@OS_HTML~fwtchrq~@# ===== Installation ===== See the [[computing:epeios:compilation:|compilation dedicated page]] to see how to obtain the binaries. Two files called ''fwtchrq.xcfg'' and ''fwtchrq.xlcl'' have to be in the same directory as the one containing the binary. ===== Configuration ===== See the [[computing:epeios:configuration:|configuration dedicated page]]. ===== License ===== #@H_LICENSE_HTML~fwtchrq~@# ===== Status ===== * Last stable release: **20151215**. * [[http://hg.savannah.gnu.org/hgweb/epeios/file/tip/tools/fwtchrq/CHANGELOG.txt|Changelog]]. ===== Download ===== http://q37.info/download/computing/tools/fwtchrq/. ===== Author ===== #@H_AUTHOR_HTML~fwtchrq~@# ===== Other resources ===== * [[computing:epeios:tools:fwtchrq:manual:|User manual]], * [[http://hg.savannah.gnu.org/hgweb/epeios/file/tip/tools/fwtchrq/|source repository of the tool]], * //fwtchrq// is hosted((submission in progress: http://savannah.gnu.org/task/index.php?13843)) on [[http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/fwtchrq|GNU Savannah]]((not active yet: see previous footnote.)) ; you will find there some other resources for this tool (bug tracking service, tech support manager...), * //fwtchrq// is also on [[http://freshcode.club/projects/fwtchrq|Freshcode]], with its own RSS/Atom feed to which you can subscribe to be informed when there are new releases.