====== 'bash' with Windows 10 (WSL) ====== Reminder on how to get //bash// under a __french__ //Windows// 10. ==== Activation ==== * Search ''Développeur'', * launch ''Pour les paramètres du développeur'', * select ''Mode développeur'', * confirm //Activer le mode développeur ?// (click on ''Oui''), * search ''fonctionnalités Windows'', * launch ''Activer ou désactiver des fonctionnalités Windows'', * select ''Sous-système Windows pour Linux (bêta)'', * reboot, * search and launch ''bash'', * follow instructions. ''aptitude'' is installed (it seems no more to be the case with the last version of //Windows//, so you have to install it with ''apt-get''), so you can use it as installation tool (launch with ''sudo''). The root installation directory of this //(GNU/)Linux// is at : ''C:\Users\\AppData\Local\lxss'' To manage this //application//, use the ''lxrun'' command (as //Administrator//). See below for an example. ==== Reinstallation ==== Under a //DOS// as //Administrator// : * ''lxrun /uninstall /full'' to delete the application and the //home// directory, * ''lxrun /install'' to install the application, or click the shortcut to //bash// if it remains from a previous installation. ==== 'Path' conflict ==== It is possible to launch under this //bash// native //Windows// commands, and, by default, the default path have some entries which point to //Windows// system. This can lead to some problem (for example, //npm// doesn't work properly). To avoid that the //path// points to //Windows// system, set or add following key to the //Window// registry : ''HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Lxss\AppendNtPath=dword:00000000''. You have to reopen //bash// console in order for this to work. ==== Mounting removable drives ==== Removable drives (or //TrueCrypt// drives) are not mounted by default. To mount such a drive: sudo mount -t drvfs :