====== Importing a savannah repository ====== * Add the content of ''.ssh/id_rsa.pub'' (use ''ssh-keygen'' to generate this file if inexistent) on https://savannah.nongnu.org/my/admin/editsshkeys.php. * ''%%hg clone ssh://csimon@hg.sv.gnu.org/epeios%%'' * Add to ''.hg/hgrc'' : [ui] username = csimon ====== variadics and reference ====== :!: With //C++//, it's safer and more convenient to use variadic templates (standardized since //C++11//) then variadic functions. The following code : void foo( type &bar, ... ) { va_list List; va_start( List, bar ); ... } doesn't work because ''va_start(...)'' can't deal with references. ''bar'' should be defined as ''type *''. :!: Above code seems to work under //MSVC// ; I don't try with other compilers... ====== Apache ====== For a ''.bz2'' file to appear with the compressed icon (like ''.gz'' files), add ''.bz2'' to the ''AddIcon /icons/compressed.gif %%...%%'' line in ''autoindex.conf'' apache configuration file.