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tmcq: timecode converter


tmcq is a tool from the Epeios project which makes timecode conversions.

tmcq exclusively uses system and C/C++ standard libraries. So, no other packages have to be installed for tmcq to work properly.

tmcq works with GNU/Linux (and probably other POSIX compliant operating systems), macOS and Windows, on IA-32, AMD64 and ARM (AArch32 and AArch64, like those on Raspberry Pi, Banana Pi, ODROID… devices) architectures. .

There is some examples just below. Also take a look at the user manual or the details page for more informations.


Let's say you want to convert an NTSC/29.97 frame count to a PAL frame count:

tmcq -f=%F 25 '7035@30d'
=> 5863

The previous example will make a mathematical rounding. So, if you are interested in the size of the error you can write this:

tmcq '-f=%F %r' 25 '7035@30d'
=> 5863 -0.0143

The result now contains a second value that tells you the error in seconds. A negative value means that the actual value should be smaller by the amount given. In this case the value was about 1/100 of a second smaller (0.01 seconds). The resulting value is too large by the same amount.

If you want to force rounding up or rounding down you can do it like this:

tmcq '-f=%>0F%F %r' 25 '7035@30d'
=> 5864 0.0257

For rounding down just swap the > with a <.

There currently is no obvious way to convert from seconds (as a float value) to anything else. Here is a workaround:

tmcq '-f=%<0F%F' 30d '1.7035@10000'
=> 51


See the compilation dedicated page to see how to obtain the binaries.

Two files called tmcq.xcfg and tmcq.xlcl have to be in the same directory as the one containing the binary.


See the configuration dedicated page.


tmcq is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Other rights can be granted, but only by an explicitly written permission from the author of tmcq.




tmcq is developed by Claude SIMON (
