====== 'AWStats' ====== ===== Permissions ===== Under //Debian// 8 (//Jessie//), the default configuration doesn't work, because the permission on the //Apache// log file doesn't allow to be accessed by the //www-data// user. To fix this * replace in the ''/etc/logrotate.d/apache2'' file ''create 640 root adm'' by ''create 644 root adm'', * Add read and execution permission to the ''apache2'' log directory (''chmod +rX /var/log/apache2''). This give read access to the //apache2// log files to all users ! You may also have to enable the //apache// //cgi// mod (''a2enmod cgi''). Don't forget to restart //Apache//. ===== Log format ===== By default, the ''LogFormat'' entry value in the configuration file is set to ''4'', which doesn't match the default log format of //apache//. It should be set to ''1''.