====== Electron ====== [[:s:x:Electron:]] ===== NPM ===== Beeing based on //NODE.js//, it can use packages on //NPM//, except the ones which are addons, because they are native. They need to be rebuild to be usable under //Electron// (http://electron.atom.io/docs/tutorial/using-native-node-modules/). ===== 'XDHELCq' ===== To build //[[:tools:XDHELCq:]]//, or, more globally, an //electron// app, you need to install ''electron'' and ''elctron-rebuild'' (''npm install electron electron-rebuild''). Launch then ''./node_modules/.bin/electron-rebuild'' (to the developer: for //XDHELCq//, launch ''DVLGenGYP'' instead). To launch //electron//, type ''./node_modules/.bin/electron''. ===== 'jQuery' ===== When trying to load the //jQuery// script, you may have this error: ''Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined''. To fix this, put below line before the one loading //jQuery// (from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32621988/electron-jquery-is-not-defined): ''''.