====== 'JRE' ('Java') native components wrapper ('JREq') ====== ^ //[[:s:x:GitHub]]// ^ //[[:s:x:Travis CI]]// (//GNU/Linux// & //macOS//) ^ //[[:s:x:AppVeyor]]// (//Windows//) ^ | [[:github:jreq:|{{https://img.shields.io/badge/v-20170928-blue.png|jreq on GitHub}}]] | [[:travis-ci:jreq:|{{https://img.shields.io/travis/epeios-q37/jreq.png|jreq on Travis CI}}]] | [[:appveyor:jreq:|{{https://img.shields.io/appveyor/ci/epeios-q37/jreq.png|jreq on AppVeyor}}]] | ===== Introduction ===== //JREq// is used for all the //Epeios// //Java// components. It makes the connection between the //[[:s:x:JRE:]]// and the dynamic library which contains the true code of the component. #@OS_HTML~JREq~@# ===== Installation ===== As //JREq// uses the //[[:s:x:Java Native Interface:]]//, to build it simply apply the instructions in the dedicated tutorials to the content of the //GitHub// repository given above. You may to set the ''JAVA_HOME'' environment variable to the root path of the //JDK//. Looking at the //AppVeyor// (//Windows//) and //Travis CI// (//POSIX//) links above may also be useful. There are //Windows// binariez available under the //releases// section of the before already mentioned //GitHub// repository. The resulting binary __must__ be used with the ''jreq.xcfg'' and ''jreq.xlcl'' files, which are in the //GitHub// repository, in the directory from where you launch the program. ===== Usage ===== There is a //Java// file which comes with this tool. It's only useful for the developer to make some basic test //JREq//. Looking at it may give some indication how //JREq// works. Each //Epeios// //Java// component comes which its own //Java// files, which will load //JREq//. ===== Configuration ===== You should not have to modify the configuration file. #@CONF_HTML@# ===== License ===== #@H_LICENSE_HTML~JREq~@# ===== Author ===== #@H_AUTHOR_HTML~JREq~@#