====== 'esketch-php' is now working. ====== The //PHP// variant of //eSketch//, //[[:github:esketch-php:]]//, is now working on //GNU/Linux//, //macOS// and //Windows//. It is deployed on //[[:appveyor:esketch-php:|AppVeyor]]// and //[[:travis-ci:esketch-php:|Travis CI]]// [[:s:x:continuous integration]] services. The //eSketch// software is used as skeleton for various types of programs. //esketch-php// is the //PHP// variant of this software, and, as it is now working, this opens the way for other //PHP// programs based on the //Epeios// framework. Usually, //[[:travis-ci:|Travis CI]]// is used for both //GNU/Linux// and //macOS//, but, as for October 2017, //Travis CI// doesn't handle //PHP// on //macOS//, so only the //GNU/Linux// version of //esketch-php//, and this will also the case for upcoming //PHP// programs, is deployed on //Travis CI//.