====== New release of the Epeios XML preprocessor ('xppq') ====== The //Epeios// XML preprocessor is a command-line tool which transforms an //XML// file to another //XML// file, following directives inserted directly in the source //XML// file. More details are available on the [[:computing:epeios:tools:xppq:|dedicated page]]. This release includes the latest improvements made on the //Epeios// project software components, in particular the possibility to use this tool on a //AArch64// architecture.\\ It was already possible, in addition to the common //IA-32// and //AMD64// architectures, to use this tool (and other //Epeios// related tools) on //AArch32// architectures (like the one on the first //Raspeberry// //Pi//, //Orange// //Pi//, //ODROID//... devices), but now it is also possible to use a __native__ //64-bit// version of this tool on recent or coming versions of this devices, if the installed //OS// is a //64-bit// one (tested on an //ODROID-C2// device with a //64-bit// //Debian// //Jessie// //GNU/Linux// distribution, with both //GNU// //GCC// and //Clang// compilers).